
Blessed Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi and Blessed Maria Corsini

1880–1951 and 1884–1965

Blessed Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi, 1880–1951
and Blessed Maria Corsini, 1884–1965
November 25

Blessed Luigi and Maria were a married couple. They lived in Rome, Italy. Luigi was a lawyer. Maria was a writer and a catechist. They had four children whom they loved very much. The family had a lot of fun together, but they always made time for prayer and helping other people. During World War II, they let people who had lost their homes stay with them. They showed the love of Jesus to everyone they met. Blessed Luigi and Maria help us see how our homes and families can be a “domestic Church.”

Discuss: How does your family show the love of Jesus?

Blessed Luigi and Maria were the first married couple to be beatified together. They organized several Catholic groups in Italy, including the Italian Catholic Scouts Association, Catholic Action, and an organization that helps sick and disabled people on pilgrimages.

My Domestic Church

Provide art supplies so that the child can draw their version of a domestic Church.

  • Have them begin by listing how a home can be a domestic Church.
  • Have them illustrate how they participate in their domestic Church by labeling the illustration to show how they specifically make it a Church.