
Saint Monica

c. 331–387

Saint Monica, c. 331–387
August 27

Saint Monica lived in North Africa. She was a woman of great faith, and many members of her family became Christian because of her example. Monica had a son named Augustine. In his youth, Augustine led a disgraceful life. Monica wanted him to be baptized, but he refused. For many years, Monica prayed constantly for his conversion. Finally, after much persistence, her prayers were answered. Augustine realized the truth of Christianity and turned his life around. He became a priest and then a bishop as well as one of the great teachers of the faith. Both he and his mother are honored as Saints.

Discuss: Talk about a time when God answered your prayer.


Have the child identify people who have influenced them and their faith.

  • Ask the child to list the characteristics of the people and how they were an influence.
  • Have the child resolve to follow the examples that were given by these people. Have them answer the question: How might I use these characteristics in my life?
  • Have them also answer the question: How can I be a Christian example to others?