
Saint Gertrude the Great


Saint Gertrude the Great, 1256–c.1302
November 16

Saint Gertrude was a German nun. Her parents died when she was very young, so she lived in a convent. Gertrude was very smart and loved to read. She was especially good at reading Latin, but she liked to read all different kinds of books. Another thing Gertrude loved to do was pray. She especially liked to pray for people who had died, asking God to take them to Heaven. She prayed for her family, her friends, and everyone she met. Many other Saints have used Saint Gertrude as an example of a very holy woman.

Discuss: Who do you like to pray for?

Saint Gertrude is the patron of travelers and the West Indies. She was devoted to personal prayer and reflection. Gertrude was well educated in philosophy and literature, and wrote books, including a collection of prayers. She is often shown holding a flaming heart, or a mouse!

Write a Prayer

Have the child write a list of people they can pray for.

  • Have them write the name and what they need to pray for that person.
  • Have them also consider their parish, their city, their state, their country and the world.
  • Have them also consider people who work in public service.
  • Have them consider leaders of the Church and parish.
  • Encourage them to use their lists when they pray.