
Saint Joseph Vaz


Saint Joseph Vaz, 1651–1711
January 16

Saint Joseph Vaz was born in India. Most people in India are Hindu. Joseph’s family was Catholic. He wanted to share the Gospel with everyone. He used his gifts to help other people know God. He went to faraway places to teach about Jesus and build churches. Joseph decided to become a missionary and went to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), even though the government there didn’t allow priests in the country. Joseph helped bring others there to talk about Jesus and serve God's People.

Discuss: What are some things you can do to help others know God?

Saint Joseph Vaz is the patron of Sri Lanka. As a young person he did very well in school. He studied philosophy and theology at a Dominican academy. He was offered the post of bishop of Ceylon, but chose to stay a missionary. Because of this, he is often shown with a bishop’s mitre beside him, but not on his head. Saint Joseph traveled barefoot when he could.

Using Our Gifts

Saint Joseph used his gifts to help other people know God. In this activity, you and your child will help each other determine your gifts and ways to use them.

  • Draw a 2-column chart on a piece of paper, labeling the first column Gifts and the second column Actions. Have your child create her/his own chart on a separate piece of paper.
  • To start, think of some gifts or talents that you believe God has given you and write them in the first column.
  • Exchange lists and ask your child to add a few gifts he/she thinks you have while you add some gifts to his/her list.
  • Return the charts and then work together to come up with some ideas on what you each can do with the gifts on your list that can help others know God. Write these in the second column.
  • Choose one action to put into practice in the following week.