
Saint Louis IX of France


Saint Louis IX of France, 1214–1270
August 25

Jesus is the King of Kings, but earthly kings still rule countries. One king who was both a good ruler and a holy man was King Louis IX of France. King Louis believed that he was the “lieutenant of God on Earth.” This meant that he felt responsible for ruling the way he thought Jesus would rule. Among the things he did was to send soldiers to the Holy Land to try to protect the places where Jesus lived and died. He gave a great deal of money to the poor and built a beautiful church to honor God.

Discuss: When you are a leader, how should you act?


Have the child imagine that they are ruler of a kingship.

  • As a Christian, how would they reflect their Christianity in the decisions they make?
  • Have them create scenarios to show how they would rule in the favor of the Christian thing to do.
  • Invite the child to discuss their response.