
Saint Timothy

AD 17–80

Saint Timothy, AD 17–80
January 26

Saint Timothy traveled with Saint Paul, helping spread Christianity through Asia Minor and Greece. His story is told in the Book of Acts. His mother and grandmother probably were Christians as well, since Paul says they were pious and faithful. Timothy may have first heard about Jesus from them. Paul says that Timothy knew the Bible very well. He became a bishop in a city in Turkey and was stoned to death when he tried to stop some people from worshipping an idol. Saint Paul wrote two letters to Saint Timothy, which are in the New Testament.

Discuss: Who first told you about Jesus?


Have your child look in the New Testament to find the letters written to Timothy. (1 Timothy and 2 Timothy)

  • Ask her/him to write down some of the words that give clues to Timothy and Paul’s relationship.
  • Encourage him/her to find a phrase or a bit of advice (given by Paul to Timothy) that he/she thinks is worth sharing and/or remembering.
  • Have him/her write the advice on a note card as a reminder to apply it to his/her life.