
Saint Pedro Calungsod


Saint Pedro Calungsod, 1654–1672
April 2

Saint Pedro Calungsod was born in the Philippines. At fourteen he became a lay missionary. Pedro was a painter, singer, and catechist as he worked with the Jesuit missionaries. His greatest desire was to spread Jesus’ message of love. He died while protecting a priest from men who hated Christianity. Pedro is the patron Saint of Filipino children.

Discuss: How can you use your talents to spread Jesus’ message of love?

Saint Pedro Calungsod was born in the Philippines. At fourteen he became a lay missionary. Pedro was a painter, singer, and catechist as he worked with the Jesuit missionaries. His greatest desire was to spread Jesus’ message of love. He died as a missionary in Guam while protecting a priest from men who hated Christianity.
Pedro’s life as a missionary was difficult. The jungles of Guam were hard to navigate, and supplies did not come very often. There were many storms and typhoons. But Pedro continued his work, teaching the native people about Jesus and baptizing children.
Saint Pedro is the patron of the Philippines, Filipino children, and altar boys. He is the second Filipino to be canonized, after Saint Lorenzo Ruiz. He is often shown holding a palm leaf, a Bible, a catechism book, rosary, or a crucifix.


Explain to the child that Saint Pedro Calungsod wanted to spread the love of Jesus to everyone.

  • Give the child a pre-cut 5 x 7 heart shape,
  • Provide markers so that they may use fancy writing and decorations to write on the heart: Jesus loves you and me.
  • Use a safety pin to pin the heart to their shirt so they can spread the message of Jesus’ love.