
Saint John the Baptist

First Century

Saint John the Baptist, First Century
June 24

Saint John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin. An angel came to Saint John’s father, Zechariah, to say that he and his wife Elizabeth would have a baby. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, visited Elizabeth when she was pregnant. John grew up to be a preacher. He prepared the way for Jesus by telling people the Good News that God would come to save his People. When Jesus was ready to start his ministry, Saint John baptized him in the River Jordan. Saint John was killed by King Herod for telling Herod that he was doing bad things.

Discuss: Talk about a Baptism that you have seen. Who was baptized? What happened?

Saint John is the patron Saint of Puerto Rico and many cities in Europe. He lived as a hermit in the desert of Judea. John the Baptist is often shown as a hermit, sometimes holding a lamb, or carrying a staff that ends in a cross.

Prepare the Way
Intrapersonal, Visual/Spatial

Remind your child that it is important that we share the Good News of Jesus in both our words and our actions. Discuss ways that we can prepare ourselves to witness to others about Jesus and his role in God’s plan for salvation.

  • Provide your child with a large sheet of paper or poster board, markers, magazines, scissors, glue, and stickers.
  • Have him/her create a "Prepare the Way" banner, decorating it with words and images that symbolize Jesus’ baptism by John in the Jordan River at the start of his ministry.
  • Hang the banner in a prominent place in your home.