
Saint Clement of Rome

died c. AD 100

Saint Clement of Rome, died c. AD 100
November 23

Saint Clement was the bishop of Rome. He was one of the first Popes after Saint Peter. In fact, he learned about Jesus from Saint Peter himself. One of the things we know about Saint Clement is that he wrote a special letter. It was sent to Christians in a place called Corinth. It is one of the oldest letters we have from a Pope. In it, he talks about the Eucharist. Sometimes you will hear Saint Clement’s name read in a list of Saints during Mass.

Discuss: How does the Pope communicate to people today?

Clement is a patron Saint of children, stonemasons and marble workers, and sailors. He is often shown holding an anchor. At one point while Clement was Pope, the Roman emperor was so angry with him that he had Clement sent to work in a mine. Clement opened a spring on the site of the mine and continued to evangelize people there so well that seventy-five churches were eventually built in the area!

Pope Francis I

Invite your child to research Pope Francis, the reigning Pope of the Catholic Church. Provide him/her with Internet access and/or research materials from the library or your parish.

  • Have your child compile and compose some interesting facts about Pope Francis that show his individuality and focus on and devotion to the Church.
  • Direct your child to pay special attention to the Pope’s simpler and less formal approach to the papacy. Ask her/him to find and note some specific examples of this.
  • Encourage him/her to pick a favorite story or article about Pope Francis I to share with you and the rest of the family.