
Ignatius Loyola


Ignatius Loyola, 14911556
July 31

Saint Ignatius was a soldier. While recovering from a wound, he read a book about the life of Christ and decided to become a priest. He founded an order of priests called the Society of Jesus, also called the Jesuits. Saint Ignatius wrote a book called Spiritual Exercises, which people still use today as a way to help others experience Jesus' love. His motto was: "Do everything for the honor and glory of God." The Jesuits are famous for their learning and teaching. They continue to spread the Good News of Jesus in parishes, high schools, and universities.

Discuss: How do you use your call to share the love of Jesus with people?

Spiritual Exercises

Have your child make a list of five spiritual exercises that builds up strength and courage to spread the Good News.

  • Encourage him/her to maintain the metaphor of exercise. He/she may use exercise terms to write the list, using common exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, etc. (e.g., prayer pull-ups).
  • Invite him/her to consider what it takes to stand up to doubters and objectors. Have your child describe how each exercise can help him/her stand up to both.
  • Invite him/her to share the list with you and other members of the family.