
Saint Gregory the Great

c. 540–604

Saint Gregory the Great, c. 540–604
September 3

Saint Gregory didn’t want to be the Pope, but he was elected Pope anyway. The Pope has a special job. He is guided by the Holy Spirit to lead the Church. Gregory was sad to give up his life as a monk, but he knew he had to do what God wanted. After he was Pope, he trained missionaries to preach the Gospel. Gregory thought beautiful music helped us pray better. Gregorian chant, a special kind of music, is named for him.

Discuss: How do you feel when you are asked to do something you don’t want to do?

Gregory is a patron Saint of teachers and students. He was canonized immediately after his death, and he is one of only three Popes to be known as “the Great.” He wrote many articles and letters, and is known as a Doctor of the Church, meaning his work has influenced Church teaching. Gregory is sometimes shown working at a desk, or with a dove.

Musical, Verbal/Linguistic

Play some Gregorian chants for your child. Find and provide the lyrics of the chants that you play.

  • Encourage your child to sit quietly with his/her eyes closed as he/she listens to the music.
  • Ask her/him to pick one of the chants to rewrite the lyrics to.
  • Together, read through the lyrics of this chant.
  • Have your child write her/his own lyrics to create a similar chant.
  • Discuss how chanting helps some people focus and concentrate on worship.