
Saint Genevieve

c. 422–500

Saint Genevieve, c. 422–500
January 3

Saint Genevieve lived in France. When she was young, she decided that she wanted to share the light of Christ with everyone she met. She lived the virtues her whole life and showed her faith by praying. Attila the Hun and his army didn’t attack Paris because Saint Genevieve led the people in prayer. She showed her hope by building a church that people still use. She gave food to hungry people and asked the King to have mercy on prisoners. Saint Genevieve often wore a crucifix to remind her to think about Jesus.

Discuss: When have you helped others in need?

Genevieve is the patron Saint of Paris. She dedicated her life to God at the age of seven and became a nun at the age of fifteen. Her beliefs were so strong that she was able to convince the king to build churches. The Catholic Church has consecrated one of the most important buildings in Paris, the Panthéon, to her. Genevieve is often shown as a shepherdess or holding a candle.

Feeding the Hungry

Invite your child to remember what it feels like when he/she is hungry. Most likely, he/she usually doesn’t have to wait very long before eating, and then the feelings go away. Encourage him/her to think about what it must be like for a person to be unsure when or whether he/she will have another meal.

  • Look for a local food pantry or some other organization within your community that feeds the hungry. Find out, together, what items are appropriate to donate or what the organization needs the most.
  • Ask your child to help you go through your cabinets to pick out some non-perishable food items to donate. Have her/him box or bag the items up.
  • On your next grocery shopping trip, invite your child to pick out a few items to add to your donation.
  • Bring your child along as you deliver the food. If possible, see if you both can volunteer at the organization one day.