
Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle


Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, 1651–1719

April 7

Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle knew he wanted to be a priest when he was eleven years old. He came from a wealthy French family. He used his money to build schools for poor children. He founded a group of men called the Christian Brothers, who were teachers. He also founded a college to train teachers. He said that when he became a priest, he didn’t know he would be a teacher, too. He knew he had a vocation to be a priest, but God also gave him a vocation to teach. Even today, Christian Brothers teach in schools all around the world.

Discuss: How have you served the poor?

Saint Jean-Baptiste is a patron of teachers. His teaching methods were different from what most people of his time used. He said that children should be taught in their own language and not in Latin. He was known during his life and afterwards as a kind and happy man.


Have the child consider what they would do if they had all the money they required to build something for others in need.

  • Have them consider what is needed and by whom.
  • Also have them consider how much money they require.
  • Have them share their ideas and why they chose to spend their money in this way.