
Saint Henry II


Saint Henry II, 972–1024
July 13

Saint Henry is the only King of Germany to become a Saint. As a young boy, he thought he might become a priest, but instead God wanted him to become the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. He and his wife, Cunegond, used their position and wealth to help as many people as they could. They gave away much of their fortune to help the poor. Saint Henry traveled throughout his kingdom trying to establish peace. He and Cunegond are buried together in Bamberg Cathedral in Germany.

Discuss: How does your family work for justice?

Interpersonal, Mathematical/Logical

Point out that Saint Henry used his wealth and his position to help as many people as he could.

  • Invite your child to imagine he/she has unlimited funds to spend.
  • Have her/him make a list of some ways she/he would use the money to help people in need.
  • Ask your child to write how much money he/she would spend for each charity or action listed and why.
  • Invite your child to share her/his ideas. See if there is something on her/his list that is doable for your family (at a more modest level).