
Saint Paul of the Cross


Saint Paul of the Cross, 1694–1775

October 20

Saint Paul of the Cross tried being a soldier, but decided that he wanted to be a priest instead. As a young man he spent a lot of time praying and reading the Bible to learn about Jesus. He read about Jesus’ Death on the Cross. He wanted to always remember Jesus’ sacrifice. That’s why he added the words “of the Cross” to his name. Saint Paul helps us to remember that God is close to us and never forgets us.

Discuss: What story from the Bible helps you remember God’s love?

Saint Paul of the Cross tried being a soldier, but decided that he wanted to be a priest instead. He read about Jesus’ death on the Cross. He wanted to always think about Jesus. That’s why he added the words “of the Cross” to his name. Saint Paul also wanted everyone to know that Jesus shares himself in the Eucharist. He told people they should go to Mass as often as they can. When they are old enough, they should receive Communion, too.

Saint Paul of the Cross is the patron of Hungary. He established a religious order devoted to Jesus’ suffering—his Passion—called the Passionists. The rules he created for the order are still followed today. He was one of the greatest preachers of his time. Paul was also a missionary around Italy.

Living Cross

Bodily/ Kinesthetic

Explain to the children that Saint Paul of the Cross wanted to always be aware that the cross was for him and for everyone.

  • Have the children make a living cross.
  • Line several children up lengthwise, arms-length apart.
  • Line another shorter line of children crosswise of the longer line, arms-length apart (in the shape of a cross).
  • Have them pray this prayer:
    • Saint Paul of the Cross, pray for us, that we may always remember what Jesus has done for us. Let us always keep the Cross of Christ in our minds and know that we are loved with a very wonderful love. Amen.