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Understanding Our Catholic Faith

How God Continues to Reveal Himself: The Church Community

The Church Community

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9

The Church

The word church comes from a word meaning "a gathering of people called by God." From the beginning, God has called humans to share in his life. With the passage of time, he has formed a people who know him, believe in him, and follow his plan. Preparation for the Church began when he called the Israelites to be his people. Jesus initiated the Church and established the reign of God. The Church is called to continue the saving work of Jesus by bringing all people into communion with God.

The word church has other meanings as well. It refers to the Eucharistic assembly. In its largest sense, the Church means the universal Church throughout the world.

The Church Community

God does not create humans to live alone. He gives humans families to nurture them and communities in which they can live and work. The Church is a special kind of community. Christians provide one another with strength and hope and help further the reign of God on earth. The Church community shares in God's life and plan of salvation.


  • If you were to describe how your parish displays being "a gathering of people called by God," what would you say?
  • In what ways have you found that the Church both local and universal reveals the Living God to you?
  • When do you experience free will as a joy? As a burden?


Creator God, Thank you for the gift of community for creating us to be together and not alone. Amen