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Understanding Our Catholic Faith

How We Experience God’s Love: The Promised One

The Promised One

No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, being fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.
Romans 4:20-21

The Gift of Faith

Abraham's story vividly describes how one person walked a journey of deep faith. Imagine the faith it took for Abraham to go willingly to a strange land when God called him to do so. Abraham believed God's promise that Sarah would bear a son, even though both Abraham and Sarah were quite old. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham was determined to do it until God blessed him for his faith by sparing Isaac.

The kind of faith shown in Abraham's life is a gift. The same gift of faith is offered to all people. The truly extraordinary part of Abraham's story is his perseverance in his faith in God even in the worst circumstances. Faith also involves freedom. You are always free to accept or reject the gift of faith that God offers you.

The Prayer of Faith

One response to accepting the gift of faith is prayer—honest and loving communication with God. Abraham's first words of prayer are a reminder to God of his promises. As it did with Abraham, faith brings you to prayer and prayer brings you to faith. People of faith become more intimate with God through prayer. Often the most fervent prayers emerge from situations that test a person's faith.


  • Recall a life experience that called you to deeper faith.
    • What happened to you?
    • How did God speak to you in that experience?
    • How is your faith different?
  • For what reasons would someone reject the gift of faith?
  • How do you express your faith in God's presence in the ups and downs of daily life?
  • How has prayer brought you closer to God?


Lord, increase my faith. Amen.