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Faith and Spiritual Growth for the Maturing Adult

Journey to Wholeness: Inner Healing

Inner Healing

by Richard P. Johnson, Ph.D.

Healing means to successively close whatever gap exists between God and us; to become more adept at expressing the true uniqueness of what God has invested in us. One of our spiritual goals in later life is to gradually strip away all that is not our true self, not of God, and taking on all that is. Part of the function of aging then, is to help us clean our interior mirror so we can see our true self.

Who is the "real you?" Sometimes you may feel like you're wearing some "persona" or mask that's only a facsimile of your real self. This is normal to feel like this at times, but finding healing, and discovering your true spiritual strengths, require that you be as diligent as possible in expressing your true self.

Your personality is your means for expressing your true self. Your personality is as unique as your fingerprint; no one believes like you do, perceives like you do, thinks like you do, feels like you do, chooses like you do, or acts like you do. You're a one-of-a-kind creation, specially put together by God to live in this place, at this time.

You can use your personality to get closer to the real you, or you can do the opposite. Maturation is the process God has given us to achieve this spiritual-personality growth. The more you can spiritually grow to knowing and expressing your true self, through your personality, the better "positioned" you'll be for accepting God's healing gifts—that are always offered through grace.

Your true self, your genuine personality, can be seen as a packet of divinity like no other. It contains a unique reservoir of God's healing power that is always available to you. Gradually discovering all that you are, while removing all that you aren't, clears the way for you to tap into this wonderful reservoir and drink deeply of God's living water.

To find out more about your spiritual personality and healing, log onto: www.healyourillness.com