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Living Faith Today

Waiting for Life to Begin

  • Marianne Diaz

It is easy to presume during college and early adulthood that real life has yet to begin. Maybe you're waiting to finish school before pursuing the work of your dreams. Maybe you have that job, but you feel called to marriage and family life and you haven't met that special someone yet. I constantly remind my children and my students of God's complete love for them right here and right now precisely AS a ten year old, or a twenty year old. Does God love ME any more than anyone else just because I'm a bit older and I have been blessed with a husband and children? NO! God wants you to live a full life, right now, as a ten year old or as a twenty year old. More of the mystery of my life has unfolded as I have passed through more years than they have, but who knows what surprises still await me! It is hard to wait to graduate, to find a job, to settle down in life, but the ability to live in peace and trust amidst the mystery of unknowing can only allow more freedom for God's active call and your response.