Saint Germaine Cousin, 1579–1601
June 15
Saint Germaine Cousin reminds us that each of us is made in God’s image and worthy of respect. She had a crippled hand and a deformed neck. After her mother died, her father remarried. Her stepmother made her sleep in a cupboard under the stairs. Germaine never complained. Instead, she prayed for her stepmother. Finally, her stepmother realized that Germaine was very holy and wanted her to live in the house. But Germaine stayed in her cupboard and was a model of prayer and holiness.
Discuss: What can you do to help someone who has a disability?
Saint Germaine Cousin reminds us that each of us is made in God’s image and worthy of respect. She had a crippled hand and a deformed neck. After her mother died, her father remarried. Her stepmother made her sleep in a little cupboard under the stairs. Germaine never complained. Instead, she prayed for her stepmother. Finally, her stepmother realized that Germaine was very holy and wanted her to live in the house. But Germaine stayed in her cupboard and was a model of prayer and holiness.
Saint Germaine is the patron of the disabled, the poor, and physical therapists. She was never allowed to go to school. She was a shepherdess, like another well-known young Saint, Bernadette Soubirous, and often left her sheep in the field to attend Mass, trusting that the sheep would be safe in God’s care. As well as her crippled hand and deformed neck, Germaine suffered from a disease called scrofula. She died at the age of 22.
Saint Germaine is often shown carrying a shepherd’s crook, with a watchdog, or with a sheep.
Just as Saint Germaine did, have the child think of someone who has hurt them in the past and write a prayer for that person.