Saint Bernadette, 1844–1879
April 16
Saint Bernadette Soubirous came from a very poor French family. She helped her family by herding sheep. One day, she saw a vision of a beautiful young woman. Over the next five months, she saw the woman seventeen more times. The woman led her to a spring of healing water. When Bernadette asked her who she was, the lady said she was “The Immaculate Conception.” People then knew that Bernadette was seeing Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Today, people still go to the spring at Lourdes and pray for healing.
Discuss: What do you know about the Immaculate Conception?
Saint Bernadette Soubirous came from a very poor French family. She helped her family by herding sheep. One day, she saw a vision of a beautiful young woman. Over the next five months, she saw the woman seventeen more times. The woman led her to a spring of healing water. When Bernadette asked her who she was, the lady said she was “The Immaculate Conception.” People then knew that Bernadette was seeing Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who wanted a shrine built at the site of the spring
Saint Bernadette is the patron of the sick, shepherdesses, and against poverty. She suffered from severe asthma, and the authorities in Lourdes tried many times to make her recant her story of her visions, but she remained faithful. Bernadette eventually joined the Sisters of Notre Dame in Nevers, France, and died there at the age of thirty-five.
Nearly five million people visit the spring at Lourdes each year to pray for healing. Approximately 27,000 gallons of water per week has been produced at the spring since Bernadette received her visions.
Immaculate Conception
Have the child write the definition of Immaculate Conception. Have them become familiar with the many qualities of the Blessed Virgin Mary.