Becoming Well, Wise, and Holy
by Richard P. Johnson, Ph.D.
Wellness and well-being can be defined as your continuing efforts over the entire lifespan to find vitalizing levels of fundamental physical health, mental wellness, and spiritual holiness. Some maturing adults blithely assume that wellness and well-being will always be a condition in their life; others struggle with multiple health problems. Of this later group, some descend into defeatism, while others discover new consolation and spiritual depth in St. Paul's words about finding strength in one's weakness.
Wellness is an intangible notion that includes three levels of human living: well of body, wise of mind, and whole of spirit. Here are the 12 factors that together can allow you to live a vitalizing life that makes you well, wise, and whole.
1. Remain Fit: do what is necessary to keep the marvelous machine of your body running well.
2. Have Fun: find awe, wonder, and delight each day.
3. Take Charge: strive to shoulder dependable and responsible action.
4. Stay in Control: sustain a continuous self-improvement program
5. Empower Yourself: make personal decisions with discipline.
6. Connect Wisely: create healthy relationships.
7. Remain Open: seek to inject change into your life.
8. Challenge Yourself: seek opportunities for personal growth.
9. Stay Balanced: live in the 'holy now' of your life.
10. Have Direction: follow your dream, the gift of the Holy Spirit.
11. Stay Awake: remain open to the movement of the Spirit.
12. Show Your Light: express your unique spiritual giftedness.
For more in depth information on these and other aspects of wellness and well-being consult: