Discernment refers to sifting through good options. The practice of discernment takes place when we address major decisions in our life and when we make choices on a daily basis. The most basic option that we face in our lives requires us to choose between the path of foolishness and the path of wisdom.
More InfoA recent popular teen movie sings, "We're all in this together." So many times in our life we encounter difficulties and challenges that we cannot face alone. We might make plans about how our lives will unfold, but God's comical sense of timing can throw off the best laid plans.
More InfoFrequently as a working mother of four, I am asked, "How do you do it? How do you keep it all together?" My response is usually three-fold, "I do it imperfectly. I have an amazingly supportive husband and I rely heavily, daily, on the grace and power of God."
More InfoI write this article amidst the noise of my daughter playing a singing Santa while our young long-haired Dachshund barks incessantly trying to protect her. Sounds, information and technological connectedness can challenge our abilities to focus and allow the spirit of God to permeate our lives.
More InfoOne of the great joys in life is the experience of deep friendships. The sharing of time together, a wonderful meal and good conversation fills the body, mind, heart and soul. Experiences like these were the basis for our Eucharistic table!
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