Program terms and definitions, with audio.
icons religious pictures that illustrate Jesus, Mary, and other holy people; icons are traditional among many Eastern Christians
idolatry the sin of putting other people or things in God’s place, or before God, in our lives
Immaculate Conception the truth that Mary was preserved free from Original Sin from the first moment of her conception. The Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.
in persona Christi term referring to the mission and ability of priests and bishops, granted through Holy Orders, to act in the person of Christ
infallible the quality of being free from error. A teaching is Infallible when the Pope, as head of the Magisterium, speaks officially on a matter of faith or morals that is to be believed by everyone in the Church.
informed conscience a conscience that is educated and developed through constant use and examination and learning about the teachings of the Church