Program terms and definitions, with audio.
Apostles' Creed
one of the Church's oldest creeds. It is a summary of Christian beliefs taught since the time of the Apostles. This creed is used in the celebration of Baptism.
apostolic the teaching authority of the Church comes directly from Jesus and his chosen Apostles because the bishops of the Church are direct successors of the Apostles
Apostolic Succession the term used to describe how the authority and power to lead and teach the Church is passed down from the Apostles to their successors, the bishops
Ascension when the Risen Jesus was taken up to Heaven to be with God the Father forever
teachings of Jesus that show the way to true happiness and tell how to live in God's Kingdom
Bible the Word of God written in human words. The Bible is the holy book of the Church.
bishop an ordained man who works together with other bishops and the Pope in teaching, leading, and making the Church holy. The bishops are the successors of the Apostles.
Blessed Sacrament
a name for the Holy Eucharist, especially the Body of Christ kept in the Tabernacle
Blessing and Adoration
in this prayer form, we show that we understand God is the Creator of all and that we need him. We give him respect and honor his greatness.
Body of Christ a name for the Church of which Christ is the head. All the baptized are members of the body.
the Church is meant for all people in all times and all places; a Mark of the Church
the theological virtue of love. It directs us to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves, for the love of God.
Church the special community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus. The word is often used for the Catholic Church because we trace our origins back to the Apostles.
Communion of Saints
everyone who believes in and follows Jesus – people on Earth and people who have died and are in Purgatory or Heaven
conscience an ability given to us by God that helps us make choices about right and wrong
covenant a sacred promise or agreement between God and humans
everything made by God
a statement of the Church's beliefs
deacon an ordained man who serves the Church by assisting in the Eucharist, baptizing, witnessing marriages, and doing works of charity
domestic Church a name for the Catholic family, because it is the community of Christians in the home. God made the family to be the first place we learn about loving others and following Christ.
Eucharist the Sacrament in which Jesus shares himself, and the bread and wine become his Body and Blood
evangelization sharing the Good News of Jesus through words and actions in a way that invites people to accept the Gospel
the theological virtue that makes it possible for us to believe in God and all that he helps us understand about himself. Faith leads us to obey God.
to be constant and loyal to your promises and commitments to God and others, just as he is faithful to you
a word that means "Good News." The Gospel message is the Good News of God's Kingdom and his saving love.
God's free and loving gift to humans of his own life and help
the full joy of living with God forever
hell being separated from God forever because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness
the Church is holy because she is set apart for God and his purposes; a Mark of the Church
Holy Trinity
a name for the three Divine Persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
the virtue that helps you trust in all that God the Father has made known, in Jesus' promises of eternal life, and the help of the Holy Spirit.
image of God
the likeness of God that is in all human beings because we are created by him
Incarnation when the Son of God became man in Jesus Christ
Intercession In this prayer form, we ask God to help others.
giving God what is due him, and giving each person what he or she is due because that person is a child of God
Kingdom of God the world of love, peace, and justice that is in Heaven and is still being built on Earth
Last Judgment
God's final triumph over evil, when Christ will come again and bring the Kingdom of God to its Fullness
Last Supper the meal Jesus shared with his disciples on the night before he died. At the Last Supper, Jesus gave himself in the Eucharist.
liturgy the public prayer of the Church. It includes the Sacraments and forms of daily prayer.
Lord's Prayer
the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God the Father
the teaching office of the Church, which is all of the bishops in union with the Pope
Marks of the Church
the four characteristics that identify Christ's Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic
the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God. She is also called "Our Lady" because she is our Mother and the Mother of the Church.
mercy kindness and concern for those who are suffering. God has mercy on us even though we are sinners.
the promised one who would lead his People. The word Messiah means "God's anointed," or "God's chosen one." Jesus is the Messiah.
miracle something that cannot be explained by science, but happened by the power of God
a job or purpose. The Church's mission is to announce the Good News of God's Kingdom.
people who answer God's call to bring the message of Jesus and announce the Good News of God’s Kingdom to people in other places
mystery a spiritual truth that is difficult to perceive or understand with our senses, but is known through faith and through signs
New Commandment
Jesus' command for his disciples to love one another as he has loved us
Nicene Creed a summary of basic beliefs about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and about other Church teachings. We usually say the Nicene Creed during Mass.
one the Church is one because the power of the Holy Spirit unites all the members through one faith and one Baptism
parable a short story Jesus told about everyday life to teach something about God
parish the local community of Catholics that meets at a particular place
Paschal Mystery
the mystery of Jesus' suffering, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
peace a state of calm when things are in their proper order and people settle problems with kindness and justice
the feast that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit fifty days after Easter
in this prayer form, we ask God for what we need
Pope the successor of Peter, the bishop of Rome, and the head of the entire Church
Praise In this prayer form, we give God honor and thanks because he is God.
prayer talking and listening to God. It is raising your mind and heart to God.
Precepts of the Church
some of the minimum requirements given by Church leaders for deepening our relationship with God and the Church
priest an ordained man who helps his bishop by leading a parish, preaching the Gospel, and celebrating the Eucharist and other Sacraments
proclaim to tell about Jesus in word and action
purgatory a state of final cleansing after death and before entering into Heaven
Real Presence
the teaching that Jesus is really and truly with us in the Eucharist. We receive Jesus in his fullness.
Resurrection the event of Jesus being raised from Death to new life by God the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit
Sacraments of Healing
Penance and Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick. In these Sacraments, God's forgiveness and healing are given to those suffering physical and spiritual sickness.
Sacraments of Initiation the three Sacraments that celebrate membership into the Catholic Church: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
Sacred chrism perfumed oil used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders
Sacred Tradition
God's Word handed down verbally through the Apostles and bishops
sacrifice giving up something out of love for someone else or for the common good (the good of everyone). Jesus sacrificed his life for all people.
a hero of the Church who loved God very much, led a holy life, and is now with God in Heaven.
Seven Sacraments special signs and celebrations that Jesus gave his Church. The Sacraments allow us to share in the life and work of God.
a person's choice to disobey God on purpose and do what he or she knows is wrong. Sins hurt our relationship with God and other people.
the way we appreciate and use God's gifts, including our time, talent, and treasure and the gift of creation
Tabernacle the special place in the church where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved after Mass for those who are ill or for Eucharistic Adoration
Thanksgiving In this prayer form, we give thanks to God for all the good things he gives us.
theological Virtues
the virtues of faith, hope, and charity (love), which are gifts from God that guide our relationship with him.
good spiritual habits that make you stronger and help you do what is right and good. They grow over time with our practice and openness to God's grace.
the name of Mary's visit to Elizabeth before Jesus was born
God's plan for our lives; the purpose for which he made us
solemn promises that are made to or before God