Program terms and definitions, with audio.
Mediator the title given to Jesus because, as true God and true man, he is able to reconcile all people to God the Father, bringing us closer to God the Father by his words and saving actions
miracle an event for which there is no scientific explanation because it happened by the power of God. Jesus worked miracles to help us see the presence of the Kingdom of God.
mortal sin a grave ( very serious) sin by which someone turns completely away from God and breaks his or her relationship with God
murder the deliberate killing of another person when the killing is not in self-defense. It is always gravely sinful.
mystery a truth of faith that cannot be fully understood but that is believed because God has shown it in Scripture, in the life of Jesus, or in the teachings of the Church
Mystical Body of Christ a name for the Church, whose baptized members are all united to Christ and one another through the Holy Spirit, forming one holy people with Christ as her head